zaterdag 5 oktober 2013

Symbolism in Logos

During the 20th century, urban environments got taken over by corporate logos. Studies have reported that an average person is exposed to about a hundreds of logos a day.
Few people however ponder on the symbolic meaning of these marketing tools and their occult origins.
Think about where you encounter logos on an average day: they are on household items, on cars, on clothes, in tv ads, on billboards, on insignia, and all over sporting events.
Logos are one of the results of extensive studies (funded by the Rockefeller’s “Chicago School”) in cognitive sciences, psychology and biology.
Those studies constitute the core of “marketing”, a heavily funded field which keeps its findings totally secret from the general public. Why are the findings secret?
The show begins with discussing the symbolism of two major corporations, Starbucks and Apple. What is really being said in logos?
This documentary was filmed in Bath and Bristol, England featuring special guests such as Michael Tsarion, Neil Hague, Ralph Ellis, Leo Rutherford, Neil Kramer, Dan Tatman and Peter Taylor. The crew also interviews a priest, university students, teachers and of course a couple random pub interviews.

Conscious vs the Subconscious

illuminati corporate logos 




 Supernatural: Magic and Spelling as Mind Control

Jose Maria Barrera was born in Bogota, Colombia and came to the United States eighteen years ago to do research in Neuroscience. He is a photographer and creates graphical user interfaces for software applications. Jose holds a B.S. in Systems Engineering and a M.S. in Computer Science from NYU. He recently moved from New York back to South America, this time settling in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
This episode is with an interview with Jose Barrera, titled "Supernatural: Magic and Spelling as Mind Control" and is being released on Wednesday, January 09, 2012. This interview with Jose was was recorded on Saturday, January 05, 2013.

The magical foundations of society

Alchemy and the Endocrine System - an interview with Jose Barrera

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