vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

Turmeric: The Return of The Golden Goddess

Ancient Indians understood turmeric to be the physical essence of the Divine Mother. Modern science now confirms that it has therapeutic properties relevant to well over 500 health conditions, and may bestow on those who take it, protection from many common causes of suffering.
The author has personally reviewed the majority of 4,000+ biomedical citations on turmeric and its primary polyphenol curcumin, available to view on the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic reference database known as MEDLINE (and searchable through engines like Pubmed.gov), and has been awed by how diverse, powerful and seemingly ideally suited this spice is for addressing the broad range of diseases and/or disease symptoms that commonly afflict our species.
One of the novel findings that emerged in the author's comprehensive review of turmeric is that it expresses over 150 distinct benefical actions, describable in terms of traditional pharmacological pathways, e.g. interleukin-6 down-regulator, apoptotic, cyclooxygenase inhibitor, etc. During the indexing process the image emerged of a many-armed Goddess, due to how diverse, intelligent and simultaneous are this spice's healing gifts.
In fact, from the perspective of monochemical-oriented pharmacology, a drug with more than 10 simultaneously therapeutic actions, and without the vast array of adverse, unintended side effects commonly associated with novel, patentable chemicals, turmeric would represent an impossible, miraculous entity, which if patentable, would generate more revenue than all the blockbuster drugs on the market put together.
After some reflection on the mass of data that accumulated on turmeric's ability to alleviate suffering, the question emerged: are these many "evidence-based," scientific studies really just exoteric descriptions of "compassion" and "intelligence"? Are we now rediscovering through the optic of modern science -- albeit through the reductionist and inherently animal sacrifice-based methodology of empirical science -- the "spirit" of herbs like turmeric, whose very existence represent a kind of surplus of benevolent, regenerative energy that permeates the universe, bestowing its grace upon its inhabitants/creations? Is this not what the ancients meant, or saw, when they described the spice in Sanskrit as "Gauri" ("The One Whose Face is Light and Shining") and "Kanchani" ("Golden Goddess")?

Indeed, turmeric turns the entire drug-based medical model on its head. Instead of causing more side effects than therapeutic ones – which you can read any drug insert to see is a universally true phenomenon and which ensures the infinite expansion of the pharmaceutical market and all the associated medical services – it has several hundred potential side benefits.
While no food or herb is right for everyone, and everything has the potential for unintended, adverse side effects, turmeric is truly unique in its exceptionally high margin of safety vis-à-vis the drugs it has been compared with, e.g. hydrocortisone, ibuprofen, chemotherapy agents. Furthermore, nothing within the modern-day pharmaceutical armamentarium comes even remotely close to turmeric’s 6,000 year track record of safe use in Ayurvedic medicine.[1]
Despite its vast potential for alleviating human suffering, turmeric will never receive the FDA stamp of approval, due to its lack of exclusivity, patentability and therefore profitability. Truth be told, the FDA’s "gold standard" for proving the value of a prospective medicinal substance betrays the age old aphorism: "he who owns the gold makes the rules," and unless an investor is willing to risk losing the 800+ million dollars that must be spent upfront, the FDA-required multi-phased double-blind, randomized clinical trials will not occur. For additional details on this rather seedy arrangement read our article on the topic: Why The Law Forbids The Medicinal Use of Natural Substances.
Here at GreenMedInfo.com, we have reviewed over 4,000 study abstracts from the National Library of Medicine’s bibliographic database known as MEDLINE and have discovered over 580 potential health benefits of turmeric, and/or its primary polyphenol known as curcumin. These can be viewed on our turmeric research page which is dedicated to disseminating the research on the topic to a larger audience.
Some of the most amazing demonstrated properties include:
Destroying Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer
Destroying Cancer Stem Cells (arguably, the root of all cancer)
Protecting Against Radiation-Induced Damage
Reducing Unhealthy Levels of Inflammation
Protecting Against Heavy Metal Toxicity
Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease Associated Pathologies
Again, what is so amazing is not that turmeric may have value in six conditions simultaneously, or that it may improve conditions that are completely resistant to conventional treatment, but that there are over five-hundred and eighty additional health conditions it may also be valuable in preventing and/or treating. Consider also the fact that turmeric grows freely on the Earth, and you will understand why its very existence threatens a trillion-dollar plus conventional medical establishment.
Learn more about this research in the video below, and please spread the information to others who may benefit from learning more on the topic

Turmeric - An Amazing Healer


Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is much more than the familiar spice that gives curry blends their yellow colour and imparts to them a slightly bitter or astringent taste. It is an amazing healing plant that has not only been valued for its therapeutic properties in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years but also has a significant role to play here in the West in the prevention and treatment of a wide range of modern day problems. It is an excellent natural antibiotic, and one of the best detoxifying herbs by virtue of its beneficial effect on the liver, a powerful antioxidant with health-promoting effects on the cardiovascular, skeletal and digestive systems. Through its beneficial effect on the ligaments, it is highly valued by those who practise Hatha Yoga.
The medicinal part of turmeric comes from the fleshy underground rhizomes of a perennial plant from the same family as ginger with large lily-like leaves that can grow to about 3 feet high. The rhizomes are harvested in winter, boiled or steamed, and then dried. Most turmeric is available as a powder.
Beneficial Properties
Turmeric not only enhances the flavour of food but also aids digestion, particularly of protein, promotes absorption and regulates metabolism. It is an excellent spice to add to cooking if concerned about weight. Turmeric helps to regulate intestinal flora and is well worth taking during and after a course of antibiotics and by those suffering from Candida or thrush. It has a long history of use for eradicating worms. I have frequently prescribed turmeric for digestive problems such as indigestion, heartburn, wind, bloating, colic and diarrhoea. It has a soothing and bolstering effect on the mucosa of the gut and boosts stomach defences against excess acid, drugs and other irritating substances ingested and from the effects of stress, thereby reducing the risk of gastritis and ulcers. It is said to lower blood sugar in diabetics.
Turmeric has beneficial effects in the liver, which include stimulating the flow of bile, protecting against damage from toxins[1] and improving the metabolism of fats. By enhancing liver function, turmeric helps to cleanse the blood of toxins and impurities. It has been shown to lower harmful cholesterol levels, to inhibit blood clotting by blocking prostaglandin production[2] and to help prevent as well as remedy atherosclerosis, thus playing a significant role in the prevention of heart and arterial disease.
Turmeric contains constituents including curcumin, tumerone and zingiberone as well as high amounts of a carotene, equivalent to 50 IU of vitamin A per 100 grams.[3] Probably the most important component is curcumin which gives turmeric its intense yellow colour.
Curcumin is a powerful, yet safe anti-inflammatory agent, excellent for treating inflammatory problem such as arthritis, liver and gall bladder problems. It has been found to block the production of certain prostaglandins and to have effects on a par with cortisone and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.[4],[5] I have observed that taking turmeric daily has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, improving morning stiffness, joint swelling and pain with movement experienced by rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
Turmeric has powerful antioxidant properties, is reported to protect against the development of cancer, and has a long history of use in the treatment of various cancers; enhancing the production of cancer-fighting cells,[6],[7] protecting against environmental toxins, with an immune-enhancing effect and powerful antibacterial properties. In China it is used to treat the early stages of cervical cancer. An alcohol extract of turmeric applied externally in skin cancer has been shown to reduce itching, relieve pain and promote healing. In fact turmeric has been found to be highly effective at inhibiting recurring melanoma in people at high risk.[8] Research has also demonstrated its protective effects against colon and breast cancer.
Turmeric has long been popular as a remedy for treating respiratory infections such as colds, sore throats, coughs and fevers, skin problems such as acne and psoriasis, and kidney and bladder problems. It can successfully inhibit infection whether bacterial, viral or fungal.
Dietary Inclusion and Applications
Turmeric can be eaten regularly and liberally as a culinary spice. To treat infections and digestive problems the powder can be added to herbal teas, stirred into honey or hot water. The usual daily dose of turmeric is ¼-½ (one quarter to one half) a teaspoon of the powder two to three times daily between meals. Alternatively you can take two or three cupfuls of the tea between meals. To make the tea, place ½ (one half) a teaspoon of powder in a small pot, pour over a cup of boiling water, leave to infuse for five minutes, then strain.
You can add ginger or cardamom to add more flavour. Curcumin can be taken in capsules as a supplement, at a dose of 250-500 mg three times daily. Combining curcumin with bromelain may enhance its absorption and activity.
Powdered turmeric mixed with water or Aloe vera gel can be made into a paste and applied to insect bites, spots and pimples, inflamed and infected skin problems including scabies and fungal infestation, and infected wounds. I have found it very successful when treating acne, eczema and psoriasis although care has to be taken with the amount of turmeric used because it can colour the skin yellow. Mixed with honey or Aloe vera gel, it has been used traditionally to treat sprains, strains and bruises. A little powder stirred into warm water makes an excellent mouthwash to treat inflamed gums and relieve toothache.
Cautionary Note
There are no strong contraindications for turmeric during pregnancy; it is probably safer to avoid therapeutic doses during this time although it is safe to use in cooking. Regular use of turmeric is not advisable for those with obstruction of the biliary tract or gallstones. Overuse can cause gastrointestinal disturbances is some susceptible people. It is best to avoid high doses of turmeric when taking blood-thinning drugs.




Some Gnostic Christians worshipped the serpent hung on a cross,
rod, or Tree of Life, calling it Christ the Savior, also a title of Hermes
the Wise Serpent represented by his own holy caduceus, the scepter
of two serpents. This was one of the oldest and most revered holy
symbols. "The usual mythological association of the serpent is not, as
in the Bible, with corruption, but with physical and spiritual health, as in
the Greek caduceus." To Sumerians it was an emblem of life,
appearing on art works like the Libation Cup of Gudea, ca. 2000 B.c.

In pre-Hellenic Greece the caduceus was displayed on healing temples
like those of Asclepius, Hygeia, and Panacea, which is why it is still an
international symbol of the medical profession. The caduceus is
found also in Aztec sacred art, enthroned like a serpent-deity on an
altar. North American Indians knew it too. A Navaho medicine man
said his people's sacred cave once featured "a stone carving of two
snakes intertwined, the heads facing east and west." 1
Hindu symbolism equated the caduceus with the central spirit of
the human body, the spinal column, with two mystic serpents twined
around it like the genetic double helix: ida-nadi to the left, pingala-nadi
to the right.


Moses's brazen serpent on a pole, the mere sight of which cured
the Israelites, was probably a prophylactic caduceus (Numbers 21:9).
It was named Nehushtan, and worshipped in the tabernacle up to the
reign ofHezekiah (2 Kings 18:4). See Hermes.


Greek god of magic, letters, medicine, and occult wisdom, identified
with Thoth in Egypt, Mercury in Rome. He was really older than
Greece, one of the Aegean Great Mother's primal serpent-consorts,
partaking of her wisdom because he was once a part of her. Like India's
Ardhanarisvara-Kali and Shiva united in one body- Hermes was
the original "hermaphrodite" united in one body with Aphrodite.
Priests of Hermes wore artificial breasts and female garments to
preside over Aphrodite's Cyprian temple in the guise of the god


Hermes was a universal Indo-European god. An Enlightened One
born of the virgin Maia, he was the same as the Enlightened One
(Buddha) born of the same virgin Maya in India. The Mahanirvanatantra
said Buddha was the same as Mercury (Hermes), the son of the
Moon (Maya).2
Greeks called Hermes the Psychopomp, Conductor of Souls, the
same title everywhere given to the Lord of Death in his union with
the Lady of Life. Hermes had greater power over rebirth and reincarnation
than the heavenly father Zeus. It was Hermes who transferred
Dionysus from the womb of the Moon-goddess to Zeus's "thigh"
(penis) so he could be born from a male; apparently Zeus couldn't
accomplish this miracle for himself.3
His feminine wisdom credited Hermes with the invention of
civilized arts usually attributed to the Goddess: measuring and weighing,
astronomy and astrology, music, divination by knucklebones. He
helped the three Fates compose the alphabet.4 He could control the
elements. His caduceus could transform whatever it touched into gold,
which is why Hermes became the patron of alchemists.5
Ovid said Hermes was married to the lunar priestess of a sacred
fountain in Caria, the Land of the Goddess Car. He was also part of a
trinity with Mother Earth and Father Hades, and a phallic god of the
orgiastic Cabiri who worshipped Demeter Cabiria in the Mysteries of
Phrygia and Samothrace.6 ·
Hermes's phallic spirit protected crossroads throughout the GrecoRoman
world, in the form of herms, which were either stone phalli or
short pillars with Hermes's head at the top and an erect penis on the
front. During the Christian era, the herms were replaced by roadside
crosses, but the idea of setting these votive erections at crossroads was
pagan rather than Christian.
Saxons worshipped Hermes as the phallic spirit of the Hermeseul,
or lrminsul, planted in the earth at the Mother-mount of Heresburg
(Hera's Mount). It is now known as Eresburg, and a church of St. Peter
stands where Hermes's ancient sanctuary united the phallic principle
with Mother Earth. Other Germanic tribes worshipped Hermes under
the name of Thot or Teutatis, "Father of Teutons." 7 Hermes-
Mercury was the same as the Germanic father-god Woden, which is
why the Hermetic day, Wednesday, is Woden's Day in English but
Mercury's Day in Latin languages.
The Cross of Woden also represented Hermes as "the only
fourfold god." The sign of the cross traced by Christians on their
heads and breasts originated as one of the crosses of Hermes, the Arabic
numeral 4, often appearing upside down or backward as the Christians'
gesture drew it. 8 The medieval legend that witches made the sign
of the cross upside down or backward may have begun with worshippers
of Hermes; actually, Christians had reversed the cross-sign made by
the pagans instead of vice versa.
The cross marked Hermes a god of four-way crossroads, the four
quarters of the earth, the four elements, the four divisions of the
sacred year, the four winds, and the solstices and equinoxes represented
by their zodiacal totems Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius-the
bull, lion, serpent, and man-angel symbols adopted by Christians to
represent the four evangelists. 9 Sometimes, the cross of Hermes was
an ankh, standing on a crescent that signified his mother the moon.

This evolved into the conventional sign of Mercury, a circle with a cross
Sign of Mercury (Hermes) below and a crescent above. 10
Hermes was also represented by the Gnostic "world" sign, a
Maltese cross with a circle at the end of each arm.11 This seems to
have referred to the four solstitial and equinoctial suns. Gnostics viewed
Hermes as a personification of the World Serpent, ruler of time, who
coiled around the terrestrial egg. 12 According to Gnostic Gospels, Jesus
told Mary that the serpent surrounded the world, with his tail in his
mouth, his body containing the twelve zodiacal halls-that is, he was
identified with the Egyptian Tuat (Thoth) and the druidic ouroboros,
also known as the Wise Serpent Hermes.13
Neoplatonic philosophers called Hermes the Logos, or Word of
God made flesh. 14 Christian images of Jesus as the Logos were
borrowed from the older deity, whose hymns addressed him in terms
similar to those used in the Gospels:
Lord of Creation, the All and One .... He is the light of my spirit; his be
the blessing of my powers . ... Hymn, 0 Truth, the Truth, 0 Goodness,
the Good, Life, and Light, from you comes as to you returns our
thanksgiving. I give thee thanks 0 Father, thou potency of my powers;
I give thee thanks 0 God, the power of my potencies. Thine own Word
through me hymns thee .... Thou pleroma in us, 0 Life, save us; 0
Light, enlighten us; 0 God, make us spiritual. The Spirit guards thy
Word. . .. From the Eternal I received blessing and what I seek. By thy
will have I found rest. 15
Naturally, Hermes became the "god within" sought by all
religious philosophers of the Gnostic period. (See Antinomianism.)
His traditional bisexuality was interpreted as self-love; some said he
invented the ritual of self-love, that is, masturbation. His caduceus was
called a masturbatory symbol, a rod massaged by the serpents that
embraced it. 16 Masturbation was said to be the hermit's typical act of
self-contemplation, which some claimed would lead to comprehension
of the God, just as sexual intercourse led to comprehension of the
Goddess. A "herm-et" was literally a little Hermes, with a divine
spirit dwelling in the phallus.


Hermes lived on through the Middle Ages in a new disguise as
Hermes Trismegistus, Hermes the Thrice-Great One, founder of
systems of Hermetic magic, astrology, alchemy, and other blends of
mysticism with natural science. Lazzarelli' s Calix Christi et Crater
Hermetis (Chalice of Christ and Cup of Hermes) said all learning came
from Hermes, who gave it to Moses in Egypt. Agrippa von Nettesheim
often cited the authority of Hermes, whom he took for a
grandson of Abraham. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy listed Hermes
as one of the great philosophers, along with Socrates, Plato,
Plotinus, Seneca, Epictetus, the Magi, and the druidsY A 16thcentury
treatise said the Hermetic vessel was "a uterus for the spiritual
renewal or rebirth of the individual . .. more to be sought than
scripture." 18
Hermetic magic was extensively cultivated by the Arabs, who
based much of their numerical and alchemical systems on Hermetic
lore. 19 Sufi mystics and eastern alchemists both claimed Hermes as an
initiate of their craft.20 After the crusades, Europeans developed a new
interest in what they regarded as the ancient wisdom of the east, and
became greatly impressed by any philosophy attributable to classical


About 1460 a Greek manuscript of the eastern Corpus Hermeticum
was presented to Cosimo de' Medici by a monk named
Leonardo da Pistoia. Other texts were added later to the grov.ing ~of
semi-secret "devilish arts" which commanded more and more of
the attention of European intellectuals. Sir Thomas Browne called
Hermetism "the mystical method of Moses bred up in the Hieroglyphical
Schools of the Egyptians," stating that the Egyptians
worshipped Hermes as Mercurius or Anubis, "the Scribe of Saturn,
and Counsellor of Osiris, the great inventor of their religious rites, and
Promoter of good unto Egypt." Hermes ascended to heaven in the
form of Sirius, the Great Dog. He was so revered in Italy that the
mosaics of Siena Cathedral portrayed him with the inscription,
"Hermes Mercury Trismegistus, Contemporary of Moses." 21
The Christian mythological figure most often assimilated to Hermes
was the archangel Michael, Angel of Death, with a function
resembling that of the ancient Psychopomp. "On the ruins of ancient
temples of Mercury, built generally on a hill, rose chapels dedicated
to St. Michael." A hill formerly sacred to Hermes-Mercury in France
still bears the name of Saint Michael-Mont-Mercure. It lies opposite
another "Michael's Mount" located across the channel in England.22
Spirits of the two mounts were both called Mercuri us in preChristian
times, perhaps representing the twin serpents that expressed
Hermes's dual function as lord of death and rebirth. The twin serpents
had many incarnations in alchemy and magic. Of them Flame!
wrote: "These are snakes and dragons, which the ancient Egyptians
painted in the form of a circle, each biting the other's tail, in order to
teach that they spring of and from one thing. These are dragons that the
old poets represent as guarding sleeplessly the golden apples of the
Hesperian maidens .... These are the two serpents that are fastened
around the herald's staff and the rod of Mercury." 23


Hermetic mysticism usually called the serpents male and female,
for the real secret of Hermetic power was androgyny. Like that of
Oriental gods, Hermes's efficacy depended on his union with the
female soul of the world, like the Aphrodite of his archaic duality. In
medieval texts she was called the Anima Mercury, a naked woman
surrounded by oval mandorla designs like the World card of the
Tarot pack.24 This card was the last of the Tarot trumps, and the
Magician, identified with Hermes, was the first numbered trump. A
Mantegna Tarot showed the Magician as a classic Mercury with
serpent-twined caduceus, winged helmet, and flute, stepping over a
severed head-symbol of oracles-toward a cock, the symbol of
annunciation. 25


Often dismissed as a "Greek goddess of love," Aphrodite was really
much more than that. Like Kali, she was a Virgin-Mother-Crone
trinity. She was once indistinguishable from the Fates (Moirai); her
old name was Moira, and she was said to be older than Time. She governed
the world by ius naturale, the natural law of the maternal clan.1
She was not only Greek. She was the Dea Syria, also known as
Asherah or Astarte, Goddess of the oldest continuously-occupied
temple in the world.2 She was the ancestral mother of the Romans, for
she gave birth to their founding father, Aeneas.3 Under the name of
Venus, she was the mother of the Venetii, whose capital city became
Venice, called "Queen of the Sea" after the Goddess herself.
One of Aphrodite's major centers of worship was the city of
Paphos on Cyprus, the island named for its copper mines. Thus, she
was called "the Cyprian" or "the Paphian," and her sacred metal was
copper. She was also called Mari, the Sea. Egyptians referred to her
island as Ay-Mari.4

During the Christian era, Aphrodite's temple on Cyprus was
converted into a sanctuary of the virgin Mary, another name of the
same Goddess, but in this sanctuary the virgin Mary is hailed to this day
as Panaghia Aphroditessa, "All-holy Aphrodite." 5
Continued worship of the goddess on Cyprus probably contributed
to the Christian belief that the whole population of Cyprus descended
from demons.6 In reality, Cyprian Aphrodite was like all other
manifestations of the Great Goddess: ruling birth, life, love, death,
time, and fate, reconciling man to all of them through sensual and
sexual mysticism. The Cyprian sage Zenon taught Aphrodite's philosophy:
"mankind and the universe were bound tqgether in the system
of fate .... Diogenes Laertios tells us that Zenon was the first to
define the end of human existence as 'life in accordance with nature.' "

Aphrodite had almost as many "emanations" as Thousand-Named
Kali. She was not only Mari and Moira and Marina and Pelagia and
Stella Maris, all titles related to her control of the sea; she was also
Ilithyia, Goddess of childbirth; Hymen, Goddess of marriage; Venus,
Goddess of sexuality and the hunt; Urania, Queen of Heaven; Androphonos,
the Destroyer of Men; and many others. She was often
identified with Isis. Anchises, her lover who begot Aeneas and then was
castrated, had a name meaning "he who mates with lsis." 8 Under
several of her names, Aphrodite mated with Semitic gods. Her cult
occupied the main temple in Jerusalem after 70 A.D. In the 4th
century it was said that Constantine's mother found the true cross of
Christ buried in Aphrodite's Jerusalem temple. (See Cross.)
One of Aphrodite's greatest shrines in Asia Minor was the city of
Aphrodisias, once dedicated to Ishtar. Up to the 12th century A.D.,
when the city was taken by Seljuk Turks, the Goddess was worshipped
there as the patron of arts and letters, crafts, and culture.9 Recent
excavations have uncovered exquisite artifacts and statuary, bespeaking
a cultivated and sophisticated lifestyle under the Goddess's rule. 10
The calendar still keeps the name of Aphrodite on the month
dedicated to her, April (Aphrilis). The ancient Kalendar of Romulus
said this was the month of Venus. 11

Aphrodite, Pan & Eros

 From Barbara Walker's Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets

Ancient Medical Miracle Rediscovered by Modern Science - Laurus Nobilis

Laurus Nobilis

is an archaic plant species that flourished on the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana. It predates the dinosaurs and all mammalian life on Earth. Laurel is one of a very few species of plant to have survived from from a long forgotten geological age to be there waiting for humankind, and the dawn of civilization.
Laurus Nobilis or Bay Laurel or True Laurel, as it is often referred to, was so revered by ancient civilizations for it's mystical and medical properties that the wearing of a crown of it's leaves was reserved for the noblest of the noble.
Today, a reverential renaissance is sweeping through modern laboratories as scientists rediscover the medicinal properties of this most noble of plants.
Modern medical researchers in study after study are proving the medicinal efficacy of Bay Laurel, and verifying the ancient wisdom of Natural Healthcare Practitioners in the process.
Traditionally used to treat the symptoms of:
Aging skin
Angina pectoris
Bacterial infections
Common cold
Dry skin
Ear aches
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Influenza (flu)
Tinea (fungal) infections
Viral infections

Researchers have verified the efficacy of Laurus Nobilis as an antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agent, and as an effective treatment for many/most of the aforementioned maladies. A listing of much of the research is available in the GreenMedInfo database
Moreover, recent studies into the medicinal benefits of compounds derived from laurel berries, laurel leaves and laurel bark are pointing the way to potential cures for for some of the deadliest forms of infectious diseases like SARS and MRSA; neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's; vision disorders; cardiovascular disease; gastric ulcers; and malignant cancers including Leukemia and Melanoma (skin cancer).

  1. A constituent in bay leaf induces programmed cell death in human me..

Scientific research on the benefits of Laurus Nobilis is ongoing and new discoveries are being announced just as fast as the papers can be published. But much work still needs to be done as the research is moved forward into arena of clinical trials.
However, you don't need to wait for the results of the research papers or the clinical trials to benefit from the extracts and compounds of Laurus Nobilis. You can enjoy the many benefits of Laurel by accessing the ancient wisdom of Natural Healthcare Practitioners today.
The preventive and curative benefits of Laurel are available to you today in several forms:

In Your Diet. Bay leaves have long been used as a spice in a wide variety of dishes commonly found in The Mediterranean Diet. Use it in a food to help control:
Cardiovascular diseaseBay Leaves
Blood pressure
Gastric Ulcers
Neurodegenerative diseases
And as an Antioxidant
In Aromatherapy. Aroma Therapists have traditionally used Laurel's Essential Oils derived from the leaves by the steam distillation process to:
Calm and soothe the nervous system
Enhance the wellbeing of body, mind and spirit
Improve mental clarity
Uplift the mood
Ward off depression
inhalation therapy
In Respiratory Therapy. Once again it's Laurel's Essential Oils derived from the leaves by the steam distillation process are used toAlleviate respiratory distress
As an expectorant
Relieve the congestion due to the common cold, flu or bronchitis
In Massage Therapy. Dilute solutions (dilute with Argan Oil or Olive Oil) of both Laurel Berry Oil (20% solution is recommended) and Laurel Essential Oil (5% solution is recommended) are effective for:
ArthritisMassage Therapy
Easing muscle spasms
Relieving muscle fatigue
Promoting wound healing
Treating skin infections
In Hygiene & Skin Care
As a moisturizing and deep cleansing soap to treat a wide variety of skin problems.. Aleppo Soap, the first soap ever made by humankind more than 2,500 years ago is famous for the inclusion of Laurel Berry Oil in it's formulation. Sometimes referred to as Laurel Soap, Aleppo Soap is commonly prescribed by European, Middle Eastern and Asian Dermatologists, Naturopaths and Natural Healthcare practitioners to treat
AcneAleppo Soap
Age spots
Cradle cap
Dry and damaged skin
Premature aging
Tinea (fungal) infections
Athlete's foot
Jock itch
Ringworm (a red skin rash)
Scalp ringworm (itchy, red patches on the head. It can leave bald spots. And usually affects children.
Tinea versicolor, also more accurately called Pityriasis versicolor, a common yeast infection on the trunk
Utilizing the many medicinal benefits of Laurus Nobilis is not only good for humankind, it's kind to the planet too. The Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species has officially listed Laurus Nobilis as one of the Earth's very, very few Underutilized Species and as a Wildcrafted (harvested by hand from wild plants, in their natural environment) forest product, it is environmentally sustainable, preserves biodiversity, is pure as nature intended, and is naturally free from chemicals or genetic modifications of any kind.
Laurus Nobilis: an ancient plant species truly worthy of it's long standing Noble status.

Salt and Heart Disease: Shaky Science?

Salt and Heart Disease: Shaky Science?

Recent news from the American Heart Association claims that 1 of every 10 Americans dies from eating too much salt.  But is it true?  Health organizations and groups with political agendas are ignoring a growing body of research finding that less salt does not equal a longer life and in fact can have some dire consequences.
The AHA news was based on a Harvard study using computer modeling to also estimate that 2.3 million people worldwide died of too much salt in 2010.  The study recommended that dietary sodium be cut to 1,000 milligrams per day – less even than AHA guidelines.
But casting doubt on the recommendations to lower sodium in your diet, the respected Cochrane Collaboration in 2011 found that moderate reductions in the amount of salt people eat doesn't reduce their li....
The Cochrane study, published in the American Journal of Hypertension, acknowledged evidence that reducing dietary salt leads to a small reduction in blood pressure after more than six months.  But lead author, Professor Rod Taylor of the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Exeter, wanted to see whether reducing salt also reduced a person's risk of dying or suffering from cardiovascular events. It did not.
Taylor's team reviewed seven studies that together included 6,489 participants. But he says that even larger research trials are necessary before governments start promoting the assumed health benefits of salt reduction.
The Cochrane study was encouraging for those who see the anti-salt movement as both political and dangerous to the nation's health. "The scientific evidence is overwhelming," said Lori Roman, President of the Salt Institute, an industry group, referring to the study which, she says, "proves beyond any reasonable doubt that population-wide sodium reduction efforts provide no measurable benefits and may increase the risk of disease and death."
The Salt Institute called on the government to "cease its costly and wasteful efforts to reduce salt consumption until it can conclusively prove a tangible benefit for all consumers." It also called for large-scale clinical trials to determine the real impact of dietary salt reduction on health outcomes.
According to Roman, the only study on heart failure reviewed by Taylor's team found a significantly increased number of deaths due to a reduced sodium diet.  She warns that reducing salt also places consumers at a higher risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, loss of cognition and death.
Many alternative health practitioners recognize the importance of a good quality unrefined sea salt in your diet to help regulate conditions like adrenal disorders, fatigue, headaches, immune system function and thyroid disorders.
To learn more about the healing qualities of salt, check out Dr. David Brownstein's book "Salt – Your Way to Health."

the placebo effect

Placebo: Cracking the Code

Featuring members of the the Harvard Placebo Study Group, “Placebo: Cracking the Code” examines the power of belief in alleviating pain, curing disease, and the healing of injuries.
The placebo effect is a pervasive, albeit misunderstood, phenomenon in medicine. In the UK, over 60% of doctors surveyed said they had prescribed placebos in regular clinical practice.
In a recent Times Magazine article, 96% of US physicians surveyed stated that they believe that placebo treatments have real therapeutic effects.
Fascinating documentary about the science and psychology of placebos, centered on a gathering of the Harvard Placebo Study Group at a remote cottage in Ireland.

Perfect Sight Without Glasses

Perfect Sight Without Glasses

by W.H. Bates, M.D.

This is a reproduction of Dr. Bates's original 1920 book. It should not be confused with Better Eyesight Without Glasses, an abridged edition published in 1943, twelve years after Bates's death. That edition is more widely available, but it excludes large portions of the text and all pictures.
The book's copyright expired in 1948. It is now in the public domain.
The Bates method is an alternative therapy aimed at improving eyesight. Eye-care physician William Horatio Bates (1860–1931) attributed nearly all sight problems to habitual strain of the eyes, and felt that glasses were harmful and never necessary. Bates self-published a book as well as a magazine (and earlier collaborated with Bernarr MacFadden on a correspondence course) detailing his approach to helping people relax such strain, and thus, he claimed, improve their sight. His techniques centered around visualization and movement. He placed particular emphasis on imagining black letters and marks, and the movement of such. He also felt that exposing the eyes to sunlight would help alleviate eyestrain.
Although many of Bates' patients and followers of his methods have reported of successful results, (most famously from author Aldous Huxley), his methods have garnered much opposition from mainstream optometry. Bates was disbarred from the American Optometric Association because his techniques had not been shown objectively to improve eyesight. Despite this, some behavioral optometrists and visual therapists continue to employ methods developed by Bates.
tibetan eye chart

A website dedicated to the memory of William H. Bates, M. D. about eyesight improvement through relaxation treatment.
Better Eyesight Magazine
by William H. Bates, M. D.
Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine
A searchable and tagged catalog of all BEM issues of all years (under construction)
by Dr. W. H. Bates
Printable Snellen Eye Charts you'll find here.

Lethal Injection The Story Of Vaccination

For more information about this video please see TheCorporationNation channel http://www.youtube.com/TheCorporationNation WARNING, This video contains controversial subject matter and it is being shared for educational purposes only. Please educate yourself so that you can make informed decisions on the things that effect your life.
This video contains information that you may not know about, information that YOU WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT from mainstream media. This video has been uploaded because it contained INFORMATION THAT YOU ARE NOT BEING TOLD ABOUT, AND it is this information that YOU CANNOT MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS WITHOUT, period.

An Inconvenient Tooth

An Inconvenient Tooth is a documentary film about the water fluoridation controversy which arises from moral, ethical, political, and safety concerns regarding the fluoridation of public water supplies.

The controversy occurs mainly in English-speaking countries, as Continental Europe does not practice water fluoridation. Instead, fluoride is added to most table salt in Europe.
Those opposed argue that water fluoridation imposes ethical issues, may cause serious health problems, is not effective enough to justify the costs, and has a dosage that cannot be precisely controlled.

The weight of the scientific evidence have found that at the dosage recommended for water fluoridation, the only clear adverse effect is dental fluorosis, which can alter the appearance of children's teeth during tooth development.

This effect is mildly cosmetic and is unlikely to represent any real effect on public health. Despite opponents' concerns, water fluoridation has been effective at reducing cavities in both children and adults.

The Bizarre History Of Fluoride

A wonderfully informative documentary explaining the pros and cons of lying to the public about their forced fluoridation. I wonder how/why we have gotten to this point, the beautiful thing is people are waking up! Please enjoy.

Thanks to http://www.youtube.com/DianeDi (This channel is temporarily censored, the new one is at http://www.youtube.com/user/UMakeTheConnection ) for the original upload in 20 parts so that people can easily referrance whichever part they wish to return to and for letting me upload it in it's entirety, please feel free to share this knowledge as you please

The Fluoride Deception

Now a new book, titled "The Fluoride Deception" by Christopher Bryson examines the background of the fluoridation debate. According to Bryson, research challenging fluoride's safety was either suppressed or not conducted in the first place. He says fluoridation is a triumph not of medical science but of US government spin.

Remove Fluoride with filter systems from

FLUORIDEGATE An American Tragedy

FLUORIDEGATE the movie is a new documentary film that reveals the tragedy of how the United States government, industry, and trade associations protect and promote a policy known to cause harm to our country and especially small children, who suffer more than any other segment of the population. While the basis of their motivation remains uncertain, the outcome is crystal clear: it is destroying our nation.

The Truth About Fluoride final cut

If you thought that Fluoride was safe and effective, then you've no doubt been following the mainline medicine and government line. Unfortunately the truth is that they lied, committed fraud and covered up evidence in order to facilitate water fluoridation. The following is an in depth presentation by Dr. Paul Connett, the world's leading authority on fluoride toxicity at the UNCENSORED conference in the grey lynn community hall in New Zealand.


 added High Dose to Water at Concentration Camps Keep People LIKE WALKING DEAD
see book "FLUORIDE THE DEVILS POISON", HIGER the Dose of FLUORIDE different effects on BRAIN, Soldiers get High Dose Called SoftPeter, General Patton Refused to give it to His Soldiers, People React Different to DRUGS, CHEMICALS, make sure You watch all the FILMS at ww.FLUORIDEALERT.org, New World Order (NWO) plan started 1526 Crypto jews now called Zionist started and still Control JESUITS, see Jesuit Infiltration, see Operation paper Clip" 1945 started adding Fluoride to water, 1954 Krecheive we will take America without fireing a Shot, Stole American Money system see film FIAT EMPIRE" use digitized Hypnotic TV releases Endorfins, and Media make You beleive what they wont you to beleive, Watch the whole film at www.FluorideAlert.org, If you watch it close you can PAUSE and read Secret Documents that have been DE Classified, they knew about the harm adding Fluoride to water would cause, at the Same time Dr. Hodge was telling people it was safe to drink Fluoride He was Participating in the Manhattan Project, they also used the MASTER of DECEPTION Edward Bernays to sell this LIE to the American people, Bernays was used to Help over throw a Guteamelain Leader an put in a TYRANT that MURDERED over 100,000 Innocent Men Women and Children, Drinking the DRUG, CHEMICAL, and POISON Fluoride = main ingredient in NERVE GAS BOMBS, Rat POISON, INSECT KILLER, is doing more damage to the Human Body and Brain than everything else in America combined, its outlawed by all the Countries that are a Member of the European Union, Take Magnesium befoe each meal, Purify the water you drink and cook with, You need to spend 5 or 6 Quality Hours with your Whole Family read the SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, watch the 20 little Films at www.FluorideAlert.org and FluorideAction, this is MASS MIND control it evolved from "code name ArtiChoke" Sold by Edward Bernays, and the People behind it are World BANKERS and CORPORATIONS see Fiat Empire

Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas

The Great Culling: Our Water

This documentary is the first of a three-part series. It shows how additives to our drinking water, such as fluoride, supposedly to combat tooth decay, in reality are covert doses of death. It also shows how you can protect yourself and your family.

Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging


America's Medicated Kids 


supersize me

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death is a controversial documentary on the horrors of psychiatry, of punishing and persecuting of the innocent and promoting Fascism, racism and atheism.
It was the foundation for the Holocaust, apartheid, for Jim Crow and for Communism. It has lead to many deaths. It denies God, the giver of life and freedom. It stands against the values of freedom, life, liberty and dignity.
There have been allegations that this is a Scientology propaganda film. Although the church of Scientology has had influence on the production of this film, the evil inherant in psychiatry should be of great concern to all people of all faiths especially Christians and Jews.

Psychiatrists in Nazi Germany basically branded innocent people as mentally ill including Jews. The concentration camps of Auschwitz and elsewhere were nothing more than psychiatric hospitals for those the Nazi State deemed mentally unfit. IE: Jews Gypsies, Christians, Dissidents, ETC.

The Marketing of Madness

The Marketing of Madness is the definitive documentary on the psychiatric drugging industry. Here is the real story of the high income partnership between psychiatry and drug companies that has created an $80 billion psychotropic drug profit center.

The Drugging Of Our Children

In the absence of any objective medical tests to determine who has ADD or ADHD, doctors rely in part on standardized assessments and the impressions of teachers and guardians while the they administer leave little room for other causes or aggravating factors, such as diet, or environment. Hence, diagnosing a child or adolescent with ADD or ADHD is often the outcome, although no organic basis for either disease has yet to be clinically proven. Psychiatrists may then prescribe psychotropic drugs for the children without first without making it clear to parents that these medications can have severe side-effects including insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, psychotic symptoms and even potentially fatal adverse reactions, such as cardiac arrhythmia. And yet, despite these dangers, many school systems actually work with government agencies to force parents to drug their children, threatening those who refuse with the prospect of having their children taken from the home unless they cooperate.

The DSM: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam

It's psychiatry's best-selling catalog of mental illness — 943 pages long and covering everything from depression and anxiety to stuttering, cigarette addiction, fear of spiders, nightmares, problems with math and even disorder of infancy — all reinterpreted and labeled as a brain disease.
And though it weighs less than five pounds, its influence pervades all aspects of modern society: our governments, our courts, our military, our media and our schools.
Using it, psychiatrists can enforce psychiatric drugging, seize your children and even take away your most precious personal freedoms.
It is psychiatry's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and it is the engine that drives a $330 billion psychiatric industry.
But is there any proof behind the DSM? Or is it nothing more than an elaborate pseudoscientific sham?

The Medicated Child

Original Source: FRONTLINE
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/medicatedchild/view/In The Medicated Child,
Since 1983, FRONTLINE has served as American public television's flagship public affairs series. Hailed upon its debut on PBS as "the last best hope for broadcast documentaries," FRONTLINE's stature over 28 seasons is reaffirmed each week through incisive documentaries covering the scope and complexity of the human experience.

FRONTLINE producer Marcela Gaviria confronts psychiatrists, researchers and government regulators about the risks, benefits and many questions surrounding prescription drugs for troubled children. The biggest current controversy surrounds the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Formerly called manic depression, bipolar disorder was long believed to exist only in adults. But in the mid-1990s, bipolar in children began to be diagnosed at much higher rates, sometimes in kids as young as 4 years old. "The rates of bipolar diagnoses in children have increased markedly in many communities over the last five to seven years," says Dr. Steven Hyman, a former director of the National Institute of Mental Health. "I think the real question is, are those diagnoses right? And in truth, I don't think we yet know the answer."

Read more: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/medicatedchild/view/#ixzz1i...


Female hysteria

Hysteria is a 4,000-year-old diagnosis that has been applied to no mean parade of witches, saints and, of course, Anna O.
Female hysteria was a once-common medical diagnosis, made exclusively in women, which is today no longer recognized by modern medical authorities as a medical disorder. Its diagnosis and treatment were routine for many hundreds of years in Western Europe. Hysteria was widely discussed in the medical literature of the 19th century. Women considered to be suffering from it exhibited a wide array of symptoms including faintness, nervousness, sexual desire, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in abdomen, muscle spasm, shortness of breath, irritability, loss of appetite for food or sex, and "a tendency to cause trouble" the American Psychiatric Association officially changed the diagnosis of “hysterical neurosis, conversion type” to “conversion disorder.”
the American Psychiatric Association officially changed the diagnosis of “hysterical neurosis, conversion type” to “conversion disorder.”
Hysteria actually predates Freud. The word itself derives from “hystera,” Greek for uterus, and ancient doctors attributed a number of female maladies to a starved or misplaced womb. Hippocrates built on the uterine theory; marriage was among his recommended treatments. Then came the saints, the shamans and the demon-possessed. In the 17th century, hysteria was said to be the second most common disease, after fever.
Since ancient times women considered to be suffering from hysteria would sometimes undergo "pelvic massage" — manual stimulation of the genitals by the doctor until the patient experienced "hysterical paroxysm" (orgasm)
Rachel P. Maines has observed that such cases were quite profitable for physicians, since the patients were at no risk of death, but needed repeated treatment. The only problem was that physicians did not enjoy the tedious task of vaginal massage (generally referred to as "pelvic massage"): The technique was difficult for a physician to master and could take hours to achieve "hysterical paroxysm". Referral to midwives, which had been common practice, meant a loss of business for the physician. The chaise longue and fainting couch became popular home furniture to make women more comfortable during home treatment. Fainting rooms were also used for more privacy during home treatment.
A 1918 Sears, Roebuck and Co. ad with several models of vibrators.
A solution was the invention of massage devices, which shortened treatment from hours to minutes, removing the need for midwives and increasing a physician’s treatment capacity. Already at the beginning of the 19th century, hydrotherapy devices were available at Bath, and by the mid-19th century, they were popular at many high-profile bathing resorts across Europe, the United States and other American countries. By 1870, a clockwork-driven vibrator was available for physicians. In 1873, the first electromechanical vibrator was used at an asylum in France for the treatment of hysteria.
While physicians of the period acknowledged that the disorder stemmed from sexual dissatisfaction, they seemed unaware of or unwilling to admit the sexual purposes of the devices used to treat it. In fact, the introduction of the speculum was far more controversial than that of the vibrator.
By the 20th century, the spread of home electricity brought the vibrator to the consumer market. The appeal of cheaper treatment in the privacy of one’s own home understandably made the vibrator a popular early home appliance. In fact, the electric home vibrator was on the market before many other home appliance ’essentials’: nine years before the electric vacuum cleaner and 10 years before the electric iron. A page from a Sears catalog of home electrical appliances from 1918 includes a portable vibrator with attachments, billed as ”Very useful and satisfactory for home service.”
Other cures for female hysteria included bed rest, bland food, seclusion, refraining from mentally taxing tasks (for example, reading) and sensory deprivation
Louis Theroux - A Place for Pedophiles

Louis has gained access to Coalinga Mental Hospital in California, which houses more than 500 of the most disturbed criminals in America, convicted paedophiles. Most have already served lengthy prison sentences, but have been deemed unsafe for release. Instead, they have been sent here for an indefinite time. Spending time with those undergoing treatment, Louis wrestles with whether he can ever allow himself to believe men whose whole history is defined by deception and deceit.
watch and learn about the Penile plethysmography test !!

Big Pharma's OxyContin Agenda

An in depth look at the prescription pain killer known as OxyContin. We take a look at the primary ingredient, it's history and the main companies involved in the creation and production. An in depth look at the history of opium.

This film Exposes the corruption in the pharmaceutical companies like Bayer AG and Perdue Pharma from their crimes to their lawsuits. This film exposes the agenda of these corporate monsters and interconnects it with exposing the new world order.

In depth look at the facts of Methadone, the companies that were involved in the creation of it and explains the dangers of using it as addiction treatment.

Offers solutions to drug addiction through the miracle substance Ibogaine found in the root of shrub in West Central Africa. Takes a look at the spiritual aspects of hallucinatory drugs and how mother nature can help with therapeutic therapy of human consciousness.

The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS
Does HIV really cause AIDS?
Can we really believe the pharmaceutical industrial complex?

Could it be that after so many years of research, and so much money being spent, that the entire orthodox medical establishment has been wrong about AIDS, or even worse, has sought to profit from a system that it KNEW was flawed from the beginning?

Join legendary documentarian and best-selling author Gary "Mr. Natural" Null, Ph.D., for a journey into the darkest recesses of the medical industry - a journey that not only asks the most painful questions, but even proposes the most intriguing truths about a disease we continue to know so little about.

 Pharmageddon: Profits peak from Prozac nation's pills passion

The United States has a passion for pills, being the world’s biggest users of psychotropic drugs, consuming 60 per cent of them. And pharmaceutical firms are keen to keep cashing in on the multibillion-dollar market, even if it costs people’s health.
America is regarded as a country with a prodigious appetite for consumption. Today, a widespread fondness for pharmaceuticals has turned the US into a nation of pill-poppers.
With over $14 billion in annual sales, antipsychotics remain the top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the US.
Dr. Harriet Fraad believes Big Pharma has manufactured a climate of insanity by manipulating and even creating illness for capital gain.
“One of the things that drives Big Pharma is to find a diagnosis that is very vague, so that everybody can fall into that,” she told RT. “Everybody is sad sometimes. There are good reasons. The point is to market pharmaceuticals. And the advertising strategy is to have vague diagnosis and then find wiggle room so that they apply to everyone.”
The US is the only Western country that allows direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. For example, an ad for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder warns that untreated patients will likely end up divorced. Another commercial promises to make you happier, but side-effects may include dry mouth, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, nausea and sleepiness.

Pets on Prozac
Pet spas offer "paw-dicures"; celebrity chefs dish up treats at pet delis; and everything from braces to stem cell transplants to heart surgery is now available for your pet... assuming you can afford it. The newest trend is the most controversial and revealing: psychoactive drugs for dogs and cats. Identifying a multi-billion dollar untapped market, Big Pharma has just released a handful of designer drugs for pets, treating aggression, separation anxiety, obesity, and diminished mental capacity due to aging, with more medications to follow.

Money Talks: Profits Over Patient Safety

Money Talks exposes the questionable tactics that big drug companies use to make record profits by playing with the safety of our family’s health care. Using misleading advertising, attractive “drug reps” who wine and dine doctors and other unethical practices, the drug industry makes billions of dollars every year selling us unsafe, unnecessary and overpriced drugs. If you want to protect the people you love from their dangerous practices that compromise the safety and quality of our health care, Money Talks is a must-see film.

Big Bucks, Big Pharma – Marketing Disease & Pushing Drugs

ig Bucks, Big Pharma pulls back the curtain on the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to expose the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated, and in some instances created, for capital gain. Focusing on the industry's marketing practices, media scholars and health professionals help viewers understand the ways in which direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising glamorizes and normalizes the use of prescription medication, and works in tandem with promotion to doctors. Combined, these industry practices shape how both patients and doctors understand and relate to disease and treatment. Ultimately, Big Bucks, Big Pharma challenges us to ask important questions about the consequences of relying on a for-profit industry for our health and well-being.

Featuring interviews with Dr. Marcia Angell (Dept. of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Former Editor New England Journal of Medicine), Dr. Bob Goodman (Columbia University Medical Center; Founder, No Free Lunch), Gene Carbona (Former Pharmaceutical Industry Insider and Current Executive Director of Sales, The Medical Letter), Katharine Greider (Journalist; Author, The Big Fix: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Rips Off American Consumers), Dr. Elizabeth Preston (Dept. of Communication, Westfield State College), and Dr. Larry Sasich (Public Citizen Health Research Group).

     ''AIDS'' A Second Opinion

Is ''HIV'' the cause of ''AIDS''? The supposed ''HIV'' virus has never been isolated and most people have not heard what the opponents to the current theory have to say. That's because our media won't give them an ear. How can anyone understand what this is all about when they haven't heard the other side of the controversy. They can't, it's that simple. People can't make an informed decision about anything without all the information.

FDA: No to Medical Marijuana, Yes to “Super-Vicodin”

For years we have been told that raw, crude marijuana plants do not meet the Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) guidelines for a safe, effective medicine. Cannabis remains a Schedule I substance, deemed to have no medicinal value, is dangerously addictive and holds a high potential for abuse.
Now, that same FDA has approved a new painkiller called Zohydro. This is a pill that contains 10 times the opioid hydrocodone as found in the often-abused Vicodin. Worse, the drug is the first approved hydrocodone drug that is not cut with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Unlike the recently reformulated OxyContin, Zohydro does not contain any additives to prevent its users from crushing and snorting or shooting the drug. Abuse concerns led the FDA’s Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee to vote 11 to 2 against recommending the drug’s approval.
But the FDA approved the drug anyway, even though the Centers for Disease Control tell us fatal overdoses from painkillers are reaching epidemic levels in the United States. A global study published in The Lancet found that opioid drugs are the most dangerous in terms of mortality, especially compared to cocaine and marijuana. Americans, comprising less than five percent of the world’s population, consume 80% of all opioids and 99% of all hydrocodone.
Also raising eyebrows is the company the FDA has approved to produce this new “Super-Vicodin:” Alkermes. In addition to making this powerfully addictive opioid drug, Alkermes makes the popular naltrexone medication Vivitrol, which is used to treat addictions to… wait for it… opioids. Sure, this may be no more shady than cigarette companies that also sell smoking cessation patches, until you find out that Alkermes also financially supports the American Society of Addiction Medicine, aka Big Rehab.
When OxyContin first hit the market there was a big spike in addiction problems and experts believe the release of Zohydro will repeat the devastation. Yet even as the current opioids have led to addiction epidemics, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has approved a 1,500% increase in quotas on hydrocodone manufacturing throughout the medical marijuana era. A DEA rep explained that so many pain pills had to be made because there had to be enough left for legitimate patients after all the recreational users had illegally gotten theirs. Too bad that excuse doesn’t work for medical marijuana gardens.
Cannabis has been shown to work synergistically with opioid painkillers to improve the quality of pain relief and reduce the amount of pills needed. Most clients of the Berkeley Patients Group surveyed said using cannabis allowed them to cut their use of prescription pain killers by up to half. But when there’s so much money to be made getting people hooked on synthetic heroin, and money to made on the drug to help them kick it, and money to be made on the rehab treatment, a safer, cheaper, effective, non-addictive herbal alternative is a danger… to your bottom line.
"Radical" Russ Belville is the host of The Russ Belville Show, which airs live at 3pm Pacific.