dinsdag 8 oktober 2013

Maurice Cotterell

In 1989 engineer and scientist Maurice Cotterell found a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun. Using this knowledge he was able to break the codes of ancient sun-worshipping civilizations, first the Mayas of Central America, those of Tutankhamun of Egypt, and the Viracochas’ of South America, before cracking the codes of the Terracotta Warriors of China and the European Celts.

His research explains how the 28-day spinning Sun regulates fertility in females and how it determines personality of the fetus in the womb (sun-sign astrology). It explains how the Sun causes schizophrenia, how mobile phones and overhead power lines cause cancer and how VDU's (TV and computer screens) cause miscarriages. And it explains how the Sun brings periodic catastrophic destruction to Earth every few thousand years.
His own unique decoding process reveals amazing pictures from archaeological treasures that explain the spiritual mysteries of life; why we are born, why we die and why this has to be.
His work, best described as ‘adventure fact’ brings together modern science, spirituality and ancient wisdom to unlock the secrets of the past, the present and the future.

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