"At that moment, when the DNA/RNA system
became understood, the debate between Evolutionists and Creationists
should have come to a screeching halt"....... I.L. Cohen, Researcher and
Mathematician; Member NY Academy of Sciences; Officer of the
Archaeological Inst. of America; "Darwin Was Wrong - A Study in
Probabilities"; New Research
Publications, 1984, p. 4
After having taken the time here on these
pages to examine all the varied and various "out of place artifacts"
left by man, DNA stands out as the ultimate unexpected artifact; one
left not by man but by God Himself.
The book of Romans, the first chapter,
says that God essentially showed Himself and His "Divine Nature" by all
the things He had made, by providing the necessities of life and for
life; food, water heat,light etc. etc..The very laws of the universe
itself have been tailored for our life and comfort.
Many have refused to recognize Him for Whom and What He is as He acknowledges.
For those who have eyes and ears to see, this is exactly
what is happening (the creator showing Himself) as science learns more
and more about DeoxyRibonucleic Acid.
When Darwin began advocating his infant idea that the
world could be explained by naturalistic means, the prevailing view of
the cell was that it was as simple as a Hostess Ho Ho; chocolate icing
on the outside, chocolate cake on the inside and a creamy filling. It
was the kind of thing those predisposed to do so could imagine could
arise by accident --either the single cell or the HO HO.
It was this belief in naturalistic explanations for
ourselves and the universe that Famous Atheist, Dawkins said permitted
him to be an "intellectually fulfilled Atheist." Atheists needed a
story, or an explanation, no matter how improbable, that they could
believe that did not include God. What Darwin didn't know about the cell
and what scientists didn't know about DNA but are learning, is
decimating the idea that the world was created through naturalistic
The cell is not a simple lifeform containing merely a
little protoplasm and a nucleus; it's as complicated as a modern
factory--and it can replicate and repair itself.
If Darwin had known what we now know about the cell he
might have gone in another direction. Unfortunately, materialists,
having gone this far with naturalistic explanations are loathe to give
up the idea of random chance, impossibly high (im)probabilities and
billions and billions of years as the inventor of the cell.
They still want to be "intellectually fulfilled" in the way Dawkins has suggested.
The truth is, man with all his science and technological
ability has not yet created anything as complex as the single living
The simplest single cell is infinitely more complex than
are the Pentium 4, the G5, K8, or Athlon 64 microchips--arguably the
highest technological achievements yet attained by man.
It appears as though God has reserved for Himself the
ability to create or destroy matter (1st law) or to create life
An entity is considered to be alive if it contains DNA. DNA is the SINE QUA NON
of life. Is it alive? That's the same as asking the question; "does it
contain DNA"? Information theory and molecular science have made it
possible to make some amazing new discoveries about DNA.
the more incredible things about DNA, is the amount of information that
can be imparted in the tiniest single cell. Hundreds and even thousands
of these single cells could fit on the head of a pin and yet the amount
of information in every one of these cells is nothing short of
astounding; more than a sentence, more than a paragraph, more than a
page, more than a chapter, more than a book.
In fact, in the simplest single cell of bacteria, there
is as much information as there is in every book in each of three
metropolitan libraries combined.
"If all the DNA in your body were placed end-to-end, it
would stretch from here to the Moon more than 500,000 times! In book
form, that information would completely fill the Grand Canyon more than
75 times! Yet,if one set of DNA (one cell's worth) from every person who
ever lived were placed in a pile, the final pile would weigh less than
an aspirin!.....Center for Scientific Creation
Understanding DNA is just one small reason for believing
you are "fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalms 139:14)...Center for
Scientific Creation
Think about the implications of that for a moment;
inside of every cell of everything alive is a language called DNA which
gives explicit instructions to the cell detailing every phase of its
DNA is a Language, Complete with an Alphabet!
"This development is highly significant for the modern
origin of life discussion. Molecular biology has now uncovered an
analogy between DNA and written human languages. It is more than an
analogy, in fact: in terms of structure, the two are "mathematically
identical." (In other words, its not analogous to a language--it is a
In the case of written messages, we have uniform
experience that they have an intelligent cause. What is uniform
experience? It simply means that people everywhere observe a certain
type of event always in association with a certain type of cause.
When we find evidence that a similar event happened in
the past, it is reasonable to infer it had a similar cause. As I shall
argue, based on uniform experience there is good reason to accept an
intelligent cause for the origin of life as well."
Thaxton, DNA, Design and the Origin of Life.
Is it reasonable to believe that this amount of
information, imparted in a language that every cell can read and
implement, for the specific purpose of directing the activity of All
life on earth came about by "natural" means? That such a complex and
powerful language evolved?
How could that happen? Trial and error and random
combinations, natural selections would have destroyed any mythological
early life forms before they could have had a chance to "evolve".
When an artifact as simple as an arrowhead is found, we
understand that someone with intelligence made it--indeed we understand
that to be the case for all "complex" or "non-natural" artifacts. We
have here in DNA an artifact that we cannot duplicate, a technology that
we cannot imagine and yet; we can believe that it came about by a
totally random process over billions of years?
The truth is, once the nature of DNA became known, all
naturalistic explanations for the universe and for life on earth were
dead--except for those whose "thinking had become futile and whose
foolish hearts were darkened"--(Romans 1 paraphrase). --Those who would
rather be "intellectually fulfilled as Atheists".
Again, H.P. Yockey notes in the Journal of Theoretical Biology: "It is important to understand that we are not reasoning by analogy.
The sequence hypothesis [that the exact order of symbols records the
information] applies directly to the protein and the genetic text as
well as to written language and therefore the treatment is
mathematically identical."(DNA IS A LANGUAGE)
How is it that the death of naturalistic explanations
for cells, life, DNA etc. has gone unnoticed by much of the "scientific
community"?. One reason is the fear of looking silly before colleagues
by appearing to accept the notion of a God who created the
universe--despite the evidence. Another is that vaunted need to be
fulfilled atheists. Atheists got to believe too!
Another important reason is that scientists know only
that tiny bit of the puzzle that makes up their specialties. If one
points out to the biologist advocating evolution, that life has not been
shown ever to come from non-life, or that matter can neither be created
or destroyed (1st law), he may well tell you that the way in which
matter came to be or how life came to be is not his/her field---he/she
is only studying the "process" of evolution itself.
Is this science? Anything can be proven logically, once
the premise has been accepted. Are scientific fields supposed to exist
like this in a vacuum so that biology can contradict physics, laws of
probability can be trumped by biology, Cosmology supercedes the 1st and
second laws of physics without anyone really noticing? Incredible!
SETI Could Be More Aptly Named:
Search for Elusive Terrestrial Intelligence
Quote From The SETI Institute:-- ""SETI" is an acronym
for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. It is an effort to detect
evidence of technological civilizations that may exist elsewhere in the
universe, particularly in our galaxy.
There are potentially billions of locations outside our
solar system that may host life. With our current technology, we have
the ability to discover evidence of cosmic habitation where life has
evolved and developed to a technological level at least as advanced as
our own."
Researchers expect to be able to ascertain whether a
signal is artificial (created by intelligence) or created by natural
means. A single word or perhaps a modulated sentence (though in an
unknown language)sent out in a narrow band signal would presumably prove
that the senders of the information are intelligent.
What these researchers "apparently" don't know is that
such signals have already been detected (though not narrow band radio)
and much more than a single sentence has been sent. Incredibly, despite
these findings from scientists in this other field, Molecular Biology;
evolutionists/materialists have concluded that although this "signal"
(DNA of course)contains voluminous information, it nevertheless comes
from nature, from natural sources and is not the product of
intelligence.(Hence our seti search for elusive terrestrial intelligence
Dumb and Dumber?
Materialists have to talk fast. They've got to have
their voices either raised or dripping with sarcasm. Else, it would be
impossible to sustain the idea that what they are touting makes any
sense at all given that it conflicts with basic science. One oft
proffered refuge is time--vasts amount of it.
This appeal to time is supposed to solve all the logical
problems that materialistic explanations present. They have no concept
of impossible--no matter how high the odds, they believe that they can
be overcome.
It reminds me of that Jim Carrie Movie; where Jim's
dumber character asks the beautiful lady what she thinks the odds are of
the two of them getting together. She replies not a little
sarcastically "about a million to one".
Jim's character smiles and hugging himself says "so you're telling me there's a chance"!
The truth is odds over 1 in 10 to the 50th power are
considered "impossible" by statisticians. The Odds of single bacterium
forming from "pre-existing soup" have been estimated to be at least 1 in
10 to the 100,000,000,000th power!
Evolutionist/Materialist: "1 in 10 to the
100,000,000,000th power (hugging himself/herself?) So you're telling me
there's a chance!"
(Photo: not even they evolved from monkeys)
If only the scientists from the SETI (extraterrestrial)project could
get their hands and their analytical ability on the same information
that these other scientists are desperately ignoring for the purposes of
establishing intelligence outside of man in the universe.
While on the left hand, scientists are looking for just
the tiniest bit of information, a word, a number, a sentence or a
paragraph from some distant star to prove intelligent life exists,
scientists on the right hand have discovered that DNA, which is right
here on this planet, in every living cell, consists of four "letters",
and is absolutely as much a Language, as German, English or Spanish!
There is a language, a language similar to human
languages, which is embedded in every living thing, and it gives very
intricate instructions to the cell concerning, reproduction, cell
growth, formation, the exact timing of these processes and everything
else concerning the cell.
It is proof that someone with infinitely higher
technical ability than ourselves, is responsible for implanting a DNA
message into the cell of everything alive in the universe which says
"Hello, I am your Creator".
Yet many biologists (if aware) and other scientists who
are blinded by science, and their A Priori adherence to naturalistic
explanations of creation have decided that all this information has come
about by natural means; i.e. it evolved completely by accident! This is
entirely opposite the experience true science, not obscured by the
"religious" faith and zeal of materialists, has observed. "Complex"
artifacts of this type are artifacts of intelligence.
The precedent has been set. Even if someone should send
them a message containing as much as an entire language, there can no
longer be any assurance that the scientific community will recognize
that as proof that the source isn't nature itself, just as they believe
the case to be with DNA, the ultimate artifact.